Springtime Beckons! So we jump in the Van and go out for the weekend. Yet another often heard of place is Kings Bluff Falls that neither Jennifer or I have ever visited. So with Tim Ernsts handy book, we head off down some gravel roads, and find a dirt road that extends off of that, and a quiet little place behind an old abandoned Ozark Church..
A nice flat spot at the confluence of three creeks, that is obviously more popular during more popular times of the year. (We spend a little time cleaning up trash left by the thoughtless).
Can’t help but think that this would be a good swimming hole in the dog days of summer.
Even comes complete with a classy little Ozark Outhouse..
We grab some water and lunch and head off in search of the waterfall.
An easy well worn trail just follows down the Kings River passing several farms and interesting rock formations on the way.
Kings River Falls.
Another Beautiful spot that I imagine can get busy in the summer.
It was a short walk, so we continue down river a bit,
and then up the bluff for a birds eye view.
Looks like the lunch spot.
and yet some more little falls a bit further up.
Back at the “campsite it turns cold (but comfy) in our little rolling home.
And in the morning we wake up to the first dusting of snow weve seen all winter…. (In April).
Make every weekend an adventure. 🙂