Got up at 5:00 in the morning and continued on into Wyoming. Tiring of the interstate, Jennifer saw a sign for a scenic route. We missed the exit and took the next one about twenty miles further down the interstate, causing us to travel down twenty miles or so of dusty, gravel, washboard roads. With a big 21’ van full of furniture, dishes, and all of our misc gear, I have yet to find a graceful way of driving washboard roads. This also reminds me we will be needing to take some measures to diminish the dust intrusion into the van as people in the social media groups are calling Alaska a “dustbowl”.
If you’re tiring of interstate 80, The Snowy Range was a BEAUTIFUL scenic detour through the Medicine Bow National Forest. It climbs up and over a rugged snow-covered mountain range with beautiful alpine lakes at the tree line and plenty of places to stop and view, picnic, or camp. Though we are on a schedule, We shot a few photos I can use as reference, but I would LOVE to return here someday to paint Plein air.