For the last 2 years Jennifer and I have hosted fellow Winnebago Travato Owners at a “meetup” in Newton County. Camper van owners like to meet other owners with similar interests and show off the modifications they have made to their rigs, Eat and Drink, and maybe explore some of the local landscape and culture. This year we had over 50 vans signed up to attend the meetup. They started arriving early in the week.
By Friday we had a good crowd and we took them all to one of our favorite hikes at Lost Valley.
After the Hike, we all headed to our favorite local restaurant, The Low Gap Cafe. Despite the sign in front, they let all of us in and fed some 70 people their delicious Italian fare.
You can have a LOT more people come visit you when they all have their own Kitchen, Bath, and Bedroom!
Saturday, a bunch of us floated the Buffalo, while others hung around at the house.
We even had our own private BBQ service (One of the Owners who does BBQ competitions).
Had a large Pot Luck and people brought dishes from their local locales. We had people from Maine to Southern California!
…and live music on the porches (also supplied by Owners) as the sun went down.
We even had some of the designers of our rigs and Winnebago management come to enjoy themselves and get customer feedback.
Sunday Morning Jennifer cooked up a good Southern Biscuits and Gravy breakfast for all 70 of us, and people dissipated through out the day, making there way back to their respective homes, or continuing on their journeys…
We call out meet up, “Springtime on the Ozarks”.