Jennifer and I brought a bunch of prints over to the Mt. Judea Mercantile in September. The Mercantile is a Co-op of local artists and crafters who sell their handiwork out of an old general store building in a tiny town out in the middle of nowhere in the Ozarks. The entire town consists of the Mercantile, a gas station, and a school.. There must be a post office somewhere, but I can’t recall where exactly it is at the moment..
Anyway, to avoid paying commissions on your sales, the “vendors” can spend 3 days per season tending the store. Today was our first day, SO Jennifer and I jumped in Tony and cruised over; good thing too, because there is no running water at the store, so the bathroom on the Van came in handy throughout the day.
So while Jennifer tended the store, took care of customers, collected money, and sold fried pies, I sat out front, across the street, painting the old store. We did a surprising business this Sunday; there were a lot of tourists roaming around for such a remote location.. Here is how the painting came along:

Mt. Judea, AR. $500